Hire Me For A Copy Critique

I’ve been selling things online since 1999, pouring thousands of hours (and dollars) into learning how to write copy that converts.

I’ve been mentored by some of the best – people who have sold millions of dollars of stuff with their words.

The bad news is, you can’t hire me to write copy from scratch for you.

It’s just too research and time intensive, and that time is better spent working on my own projects.

The good news is, you can hire me to critique copy you’ve written, either for your own projects or for your clients.

I’ll punch it up. Recommend fixes that will transform it from good to great.

I guarantee you’ll like my improvements. And what’s more, I’ll break down every recommendation I make, and why I think it will work better.

That way, you’re also learning how to make your future copy stronger, more influential, more persuasive.

Call it a teaching or mentoring critique, if you will. Because that’s what it is!

Here’s how it works:

  1. Pricing: We start at $500 for up to about 20 pages. This could be a single piece or a series of emails, for example.
  2. Process: I convert your copy into a PDF, give it a read-through as if I’m your customer, then mark up where things could be better. I’ll scribble notes, just like a teacher grading a paper. After refining my suggestions, we’ll hop on a call so I can go over everything.
  3. Recording: Feel free to record our call for personal use. I don’t record at my end for your privacy, but if would prefer, I can record and send a video walkthrough of my recommendations instead of a call if you don’t want to go through it all in person.
  4. Follow-up: After you’ve implemented my suggestions, I’ll give it another quick look-over to ensure everything is spot on.
  5. My Philosophy: I run my own business too, so I’m all about the 80/20 that will actually move the needle for you. Without diving into specifics (which would cost you), let’s just say I know where the common copy pitfalls are and how to fix them.
  6. Turnaround Time: Typically 2-4 days, depending on where you are in the queue. If time is critical, please contact me first.

Thanks for checking this out! If you want me to get started, order below:

Rob Woodgate

Rob Woodgate
Chief Copy Critiquer

Ps Yes, I do bulk deals: Got a lot of copy? Let’s talk package deals. Pay upfront for multiple critiques, and I’ll sort you out with a discount. I’m all for long-term partnerships, but if you want to start with a single project, that’s cool too.

We can always apply that to a bulk rate later.